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Writing stories has been a tough thing for me to do as of late. I know I’ve been rather quiet over the last few months, but I’m working my way back into the writing  scene.

But I haven’t worked on my novel. None, at all. Mostly, I have been stuck. The story is there, but to make progress I’m having trouble with the chapter I’m on. So what I’m hoping is that writing other stories will help me get my groove back in that book.

Today’s work in progress is interesting. It’s a mix of escapism and suspense. So far, I’m liking the direction and can’t wait to see how it all unfolds. But I have been thinking that it might be a story that I’ll edit through and submit to magazines instead of posting on my blog. I wanted to be a published writer before the end of last year, and I completely blew it. So my goal is to publish this year and start working towards regular posting habits.

Anyways, I’ll post a little snippet from this story below. It’s far from finished but I’d like to see what people think of it so far.

Deep darkness, deeper water surrounds a single diver. His fins flip back and forth, keeping him steady in one spot as he orientates himself. Little luminance guides him, a single beam that cuts through only five feet of the murky deep. Below him, another ten yards, lain the wreckage of a once grand ship.

Bubbles spewed upwards from his mouthpiece, his golden green eyes fixated on the beautiful carnage. From aft to stern, the full metal boat to fantasy had. grown over in seaweed and long stems. The port side was most visible to him, large wings having crumbled to the sea floor in strange, clunky patterns. He forced himself downwards and forwards, finally feeling ready to view what majesty had been lost to a time lost long ago.

There was a bulkhead opening about midship, but the moss and weeds had nearly engulfed it. He reached behind, plucking a long thin blade from its holster on his belt, and began sawing through. Each cut, each pull, brought the portal to the ship’s compartments ever closer to his reach. With one last slice, he opened is path inside, barely squeezing through the tangled mess of greenery.

2 thoughts on “Escapism

  1. I like it, it’s very lyrical. Nicely done 🙂 Good job getting back to it too. Writing flash fiction is such a great way to keep writing, and all sorts of ideas spring from it that can sometimes grow into longer pieces. That’s certainly what I’ve found in the last few weeks anyway 🙂

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    • Thanks! And that’s only the first three of far more that has already been written. Haven’t even past the first story arc yet. Can’t wait to see what comes from it.

      And yeah, I’ve just been so busy that writing had been pushed to the back burner for most of the last few months. Getting back into it is definitely hard but I liked where yesterday’s post was going and am happy with today’s story so far.

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